Although Kerri Powers-Interlandi is a new name in the abstract art world, she is an established singer-songwriter who has toured throughout the United States and Europe for over twenty-five years. A synesthete, her creative process involves a crossing of the senses. She has always associated the days of the week, numbers, and months of the year with specific colors and sees colors when hearing music. Her paintings are as vibrant and colorful as her songs, flowing with truth and emotion.
“I’ve been lucky the music has taken me to many places. The shapes and colors of our world have been inspiring, both musically and artistically. I’m an intuitive artist, and the process has always been a mystery. I'm never sure where the songs and paintings will go. It's my favorite part of creating, the in-between - the unknowing. I feel fortunate getting lost in it.”
Kerri spends more of her time these days experimenting in the studio and cultivating her fauvist abstract style. She’s working on a new collection of works to be exhibited in the coming months. Powers-Interlandi may not be new to songwriting and music, but she’s an exciting new addition to the abstract-expressionist world. “I hope to bring joy into people’s lives through vibrant compositions. We need every drop of goodness now more than ever, and art and music can heal and connect us like nothing else. It’s powerful.”